All work is personally completed by Jim Richardson, an Architectural Designer with over 40 years experience, unless other qualified consultants are required to complete other specialised work.
Jim has a passion for Eco & Passive Design, & promotes the inclusion of these principles in his work.
Contact Jim to discuss your project. He can help with site selection, design options, completing Working or Building Consent drawings.
If you would like competitive prices for your project, Jim can organise Tenders for your build, as well as Project Manage the process to completion, to ensure you get the best value for your money. This is a growing trend from clients, who don’t have the time to manage a job, on a daily basis.
Jim usually organises the specialist consultants to complete Structural, Fire, Electrical or Mechanical Design, Site Surveys & Septic Tank designs where required.
For an Economical, Personal service, ring Jim on 06 343 8101 or 0274 578 390.
© Design Lines 2000 Ltd